A molar pregnancy is usually associated with bleeding in the first half of a pregnancy, an absent fetal heartbeat, pain in the lower abdomen, and occasionally with high blood pressure before 24 weeks of pregnancy, excessive nausea or vomiting, a uterus larger than normal for the gestational age (50 percent of all cases) and the expulsion of cysts. Eighty to 90 percent of women with partial moles have abnormal uterine bleeding, a smaller than expected uterus for the gestational age of the pregnancy or the signs and symptoms of a spontaneous abortion. The most common symptoms of choriocarcinoma are lack of a menstrual period, symptoms of pregnancy, abnormal vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain. Women with liver metastases may have bleeding within the abdomen because of a ruptured liver. Those with metastases to the lung may have a dry cough, cough up blood and have chest pain or shortness of breath. Spread to the intestinal tract may be associated with chronic blood loss and anemia or with massive hemorrhage. Brain metastases are often associated with symptoms that suggest a brain tumor or stroke.